Spending a Fortune on Kids Clothing – Tips that Can Help

For first time parents, it can be nothing short of shocking to discover just how quickly kids grow, and how fast all those cute and adorable outfits you bought them suddenly don’t fit. In fact, new parents are notorious for having piles of clothing they end up donating or giving away that wasn’t even worn, simply because their little one grew so fast. Before you know it, you can end up spending a small fortune just to keep your child clothed. 

While kids are going to grow at their own rate and go through spurts here and there, there are ways you can get the spending under control. These tips are meant to make the cost of keeping kids clothed more affordable and manageable.

Make a List and Stick to It

One of the first tips is to get into the habit of making a list of the items needed and then stick to it. It’s very easy to make those impulse purchases in-store or online when you see something “cute”. That cute item may not be necessary at all though. 

Know Your Child’s Size

This may sound simple, but how many times have you bought something for your child only to find that it’s too small? If the store doesn’t have a good returns policy, then you are out of luck and out of that money. It’s also wise to purchase items that provide a little room for growth. Picking something that fits perfectly right this moment means that within a short period of time, or even after that first wash, it may be too small.

The only item you need to fit in this moment is footwear. Too small or too big will make the shoes uncomfortable and can cause blisters.

Welcome Hand-Me Downs

Hand-me-downs from friends and family are another fabulous way to save money on kids’ clothing. Nowadays there are even parent swap meet groups that are designed to give people a chance to swap clothing between one another, with no cost involved.

Wait for Sales

This is a really simple tip but one that is incredibly effective – make it a point to never buy items at regular price unless absolutely necessary.

Need that Short-Term Help?

Of course, there will be those times where the kids have grown out of their shoes or coat, and you realise it’s not something you can put off purchasing by waiting for a sale or until you have the cash. In these cases, it may make sense to use a payday loan direct lender UK like BingoLoans that will offer a small-sized loan that you pay back in a short amount of time. This style of loan is meant to get a little extra money in your hands quickly so that you can purchase those important items that can’t wait.

Keeping the Costs Down

By using each of these tips on a consistent basis, you’ll find that you are able to keep the costs down and make clothing your children a whole lot more affordable.

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